A downloadable game for Windows

About the game

Cooperative Bullet Hell (2 players) in a medieval theme made at the Cnam-Enjmin school in one month. The players control a knight and can switch between two states: one to deal damage and the other one to protect your teammate and refill your powers. They have to cooperate and be synchronized in order to defeat waves of enemies.

The game is in French only.


You can play Prima Venatio with two controllers.


Producer : Hugues Vieu
Game Design : Colette Paugame & Kê-Vinh Sagot
Development : June Baron & Kê-Vinh Sagot
UI/UX Design : Helios Moreau
Graphics : Volodia Chamard
Sound Design : Alexandre Bobe

Special thanks : Timothée Sonnier & Florian Grivot


PrimaVenatio.zip 99 MB

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